Hattem event city

  • Reading time 2 minutes
  • 17390 x bekeken

Hattem: Hanseatic city along the river IJssel. A city on a river bank has something lively, something frivolous and usually something Burgundian: life is good. As if the flowing water provides the city with a fresh daily dose of life elixir.

Which might explain Hattem’s vitality. A lively city with a monumental atmosphere and above all beautiful surroundings. Then of course, the surrounding landscapes thank their current shape and form in a very important way to the river Ijssel.

It flows in Hattem. Not just the water of the Ijssel, on which banks its situated. But the city itself is full of life as well. The energy flows through the medieval streets. The events that attract the biggest crowds are the annual flea market and the Dikke Tinne Festival. De flea market is a true valhalla for early birds. Where one can go treausure hunting from 6 in the morning. For the bi-annual "Dikke Tinne Festival" the city goes back in time to the middle ages. Another well visited event is the art market. Which puts the entire city in the light of art.

Check Hattem’s agenda, where you can find all the events, big and small, organised throughout the year.

Written by Sonja